
“We’re committed to helping companies take meaningful climate action, and become active participants in the goal of reaching net zero carbon emissions across the globe by 2050.”

Tom Ringtved



We make comprehensive and verifiable Greenhouse Gas Statements so your company can track your carbon emissions and initiate reduction initiatives.

Our own Greenhouse Gas Statement has been the deciding factor in choosing our own reduction initiatives and shed light on the areas where we can do better.

Take a look at the overall results of our latest Greenhouse Gas Statement here. Please contact us if you wish to see an example of a full Greenhouse Gas Statement from Ringtved Consult.


Based on the results of our Greenhouse Gas Statement Ringtved Consult are focusing on the following initiatives to reduce our carbon emissions

  • Reducing our direct carbon emissions

Our Scope 1 emissions have been the biggest surprise at Ringtved Consult. In 2020 this category comprised 22% of our total carbon emissions.

This category covers work related transportation primarily to our different clients and partners.

We’re committed to reducing our Scope 1 emissions with 10% from 2020 to 2021 and with 50 % at the end of 2022.

  • Corporate Energy Policy

We’re committed to reducing our energy consumption (our total scope 2 emissions) with 10% from 2020 to 2021.

  • Environmental purchasing Policy

We’re working steadily towards changing our vendors to make sure we’re primarily buying office supplies from sustainable companies with transparent climate strategies

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Take a look at what goals we’re focusing on in 2021.

  • 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

  • 13: Climate Action